HD Insurance PLC Nicosia - Bucharest Branch, carries out its activity in Romania based on the European freedom of establishment (FoE - which refers to the commercialization of services by a insurance-reinsurance company through a branch opened in another member state) and has as a business model distribution through main intermediaries (insurance brokers) as well as distribution through the online environment.
In case you want a RCA offer, you must contact our partners (our insurance brokers) at their own mailing addresses. More additional information can be found in online through our partners, the insurance brokers, and also on the website of the Financial Supervision Authority (ASF).
The pricing criteria, according to the ASF condition:
a) For people-owners, the criteria and the adjustments taken into account at issuing a RCA
policy are:
- age of the insured cylindrical capacity / maximum authorized mass / power / number of seats, depending on the category the vehicle period of the insurance contract adjustment according to the bonus-malus system the adjustment depending on the period the insurance contract ( for policies with a period of less than 12 months).
b) For legal people-owners (companies), the criteria and the adjustments taken into
account at issuing a RCA policy are :
cylindrical capacity / maximum authorized mass / power / number of seats,
depending on the category the vehicle
period of the insurance contract
adjustment according to the bonus-malus system
the adjustment depending on the period the insurance contract ( for
policies with a period of less than 12 months).