Car insurance

RCA insurance

RCA insurance can be purchased by an individual or legal entity, for a period between 1 and 12 months and is mandatory for all vehicles registered in Romania, whether in use or not.

MTPL Liability Insurance (RCA) is a contract closed between the owner of a vehicle (which can be a person or a company) and an authorized insurance company. According to this contract, the insurance company of the MTPL insurance policy pays a compensation for the material losses and / or death or bodily injuries, inclusive the moral damages suffered in the that accident of loss-of-use, to injured party (TP) from an accident caused by the driver of the insured vehicle.

The goal of MTPL Insurance Policy:
  • financial protection of the guilty part in case of an accident. In the lack of an MTPL insurance policy, the injured party can request compensation directly to the guilty driver, in justice (material damages, bodily injuries, moral damages etc), which can be difficult to cover by the guilty driver
  • financial protection of the injured party from an accident, in order to have the vehicle repaired and / or moral damages paid, regardless of the material situation of the one who produced the accident.
MTPL Insurance Policy insurance can be made:
  • when a vehicle is going to be registrate in the circulation
  • when the old MTPL Insurance Policy expires. In this case, the owner of the vehicle must have a valid MTPL Insurance Policy for all period in which the vehicle it’s gonna be registered, even if this one is not used. Conclusion MTPL Insurance Policy can be done for a period of 6 or 12 months, depending on the owner’s option.
MTPL Insurance Policy policy can end also for:
  • vehicles registered / in the other member states, for which it is requested ensuring in the view imports in the Romania, for a maximum period of 30 days from the date of acquisition property, proven with supporting documents
  • the vehicles is being registered temporarily as follows :
    • for vehicles intended for export, for a maximum period of 30 days
    • for the vehicles of origin foreigner who benefits from the custom regime admission temporary, annually or semiannually, in period ENROLLMENT temporary, if the ownerproves it Recording tax of the vehicle respectively by name his, may little bit in the STATEMENTS in which the vehicle It is excepted from payment THESE taxes
  • vehicles to be authorized provisionally for circulation, for periods of 30 days, but cumulated no more more than 90 days
  • during traffic permit for tests, annually.
Covered risks by the MTPL Insurance Policy :
  • bodily injuries or death, inclusive for moral loss
  • material damage, including unregistration costs, expenses with emergency repairs, proven with documents, expenses related to the total loss, proven with documents or expertise
  • losses due to lack of use of the vehicle damaged, according to the conditions established by law
  • court costs performed by the injured person in the the civil process, based on a final court decision.

Links legislation: Law 132/2017 / ASF rule 20/2017 / Law no. 237/ 2015 regarding authorization and SUPERVISION insurance activity and reinsurance

The additional clause of Direct Settlement is only available it is valid only if it is achieved together with the liability insurance contract, it cannot be purchased independently of it. This clause cannot be denounced or terminated separately.

If the Insured owes insurance premium payment or premium installments on the payment date compensation, the Insurer may be withhold from compensation both whose insurance premium payment / premium rates the due date was exceeded, as well the rrmaining unpaid rates related to the contract / insurance policy to which it belongs attached present clause.

Direct Settlement allows injured party from a vehicle accident to have the option to be compensated by his own RCA insurer, when they are fulfilled the conditions of direct settlement according to art. 26 paragraph . (1) from Law 132/2017 (RCA Law):

Conditions of application of the Clause Additional Direct Settlement:
  1. the car accident must occur only on the territory of Romania
  2. the two vehicles involved in the car accident must be both registered in Romania
  3. damages are produced exclusive to the two vehicles (no other damages to other party)
  4. both vehicles involved in the car accident have a valid RCA insurance policy on the date of the event
  5. damages EXCLUDE the bodily injuries.
Risks covered by Direct Settlement:

Through Direct Settlement, in the case of an accident covered by the RCA insurance policy, it can be granted compensation by his own RCA insurer of the following:

  • material damages, including unregistration costs / destruction costs, expenses with emergency repairs, proven with documents, expenses related to the total loss, proven with documents or expertise
  • repairing costs of the vehicle in order to repair it as it was before the event occurred, proven with issued documents through specialized systems or documents issued according to the law
  • losses due to the lack of use of the damaged vehicle, inclusive replacing temporary vehicle
  • court costs performed by the injured person or costs related to a court case in case of a dispute resolution if the solution it is in favor of prejudiced people
  • expenses related to the transport of the damaged vehicle, belonging to the insured, from the place the accident to the location where it is located the repair unit chosen by the insured in order to repair the vehicle or to the insured’s home address if the vehicle may no longer be travel through its own means.

HD Insurance PLC Nicosia - Bucharest Branch, carries out its activity in Romania based on the European freedom of establishment (FoE - which refers to the commercialization of services by a insurance-reinsurance company through a branch opened in another member state) and has as a business model distribution through main intermediaries (insurance brokers) as well as distribution through the online environment.

In case you want a RCA offer, you must contact our partners (our insurance brokers) at their own mailing addresses. More additional information can be found in online through our partners, the insurance brokers, and also on the website of the Financial Supervision Authority (ASF).

The pricing criteria, according to the ASF condition:
    a) For people-owners, the criteria and the adjustments taken into account at issuing a RCA policy are:
  • age of the insured
  • cylindrical capacity / maximum authorized mass / power / number of seats, depending on the category the vehicle
  • period of the insurance contract
  • adjustment according to the bonus-malus system
  • the adjustment depending on the period the insurance contract ( for policies with a period of less than 12 months).
    b) For legal people-owners (companies), the criteria and the adjustments taken into account at issuing a RCA policy are :
  • cylindrical capacity / maximum authorized mass / power / number of seats, depending on the category the vehicle
  • period of the insurance contract
  • adjustment according to the bonus-malus system
  • the adjustment depending on the period the insurance contract ( for policies with a period of less than 12 months).

Procedure of issuing a duplicate or a closing / cancellation / recalculation and insurance premium refund request for RCA policies

PIn the case of RCA policies that will be terminated as a result of the alienation of the insured object, in order to establish the period in which the insurance was valid, it is taken into account the date of notification of the insured to HD Insurance Limited Nicosia - Bucharest Branch, according to art. Art. 7, point (a) of Law 132/2017 which establishes that the termination of the contract occurs at the time of notifying the insurer:

"Art. 7: Termination of the RCA contract : The RCA contract is terminated on the date on which the owner of the vehicle notifies the RCA insurer regarding the transfer of ownership of the vehicle, accompanied by supporting documents" .

In the case of RCA policies that will be terminated as a result of the disassembly, export or theft of the vehicle, the policy termination date is the date on the certificate.

In the case of refund requests for RCA policies with a legal person as user/owner, the insurance premium payment is returned only to the insured’s / user’s bank account that belongs to the legal entity.

The insurance premium difference will be refunded only if there were no compensation paid / if there won’t be any compensation due to an event produced during the insurance validity period.

In case it is needed to obtain a duplicate or submiting a requested for the closing / cancellation / recalculation and refund of an insurance premium for RCA policies, the request must be transmited along with everything documents mentioned below to the e-mail address mentioning in the title the number of the RCA policy.

Duplicate formular, termination, cancellation, recalculation and premium insurance refund request formular for RCA policies

List of needed documents for recalculation and premium insurance refunds for RCA policies:

  • The return formular completed & signed by the insured with the requested information.
  • A copy of the issued insurance policy and proof the insurance premium payment
  • The document what testify that the vehicle was sold / proof that the vehicle was erased from fiscal account
  • Copy of ID. card of the insured (in case the owner is not a company)
  • Empowerment from the owner of the vehicle (in case the owner is a legal person) + a copy of the ID card of the empowered person
  • A copy of the Provisional traffic authorisation / vehicle registration card
  • A bank account statement for validation of the IBAN if the insurance premium value is going to be returned, issued by bank or downloaded from online banking *.
    * If the desired account for the refund of the premium difference does not belong to the policyholder, it’s necessary to received a statement from the insured in which it’s mentioned that the refund has to be made to another IBAN account, specifying:
  • the reason of the refund into another account
  • the ID details of the person to whom the refund is made ( surname, surname, CNP, address )
  • the account in which is going to be made the refund
  • RON account statement and Copy of the ID of the account’s owner.

BAAR policies - High risk insurance policies

Starting from 10.02.2023 has entered in force the new "BAAR Policies and Procedures for the Management of RCA Insurance Applicable to the High Risk Insured" approved by ASF through notice no. 419/22.11.2022 and notice no. 37/09.02.2023, in accordance with Law no. 202/2022 under the modification and fulfilling of Law no. 132/2017 and of ASF Norm no. 18/2022 for the modification and through the ASF conditions of Law no. 20/2017 regarding car insurance in Romania

If you have filled in the data in the BAAR application intended for the registration of cases of high-risk insured persons, available at the address and you are a high-risk insured category, you must send us a request within a maximum of 10 days from on the date of receipt of the allocation notice from BAAR to the e-mail address: or, specifying the data below:

  • assigned case number
  • the name of the owner of the vehicle to be insured
  • the chassis series of the vehicle to be insured
  • the registration number of the vehicle to be insured
  • the value of the offer to be validated

The RCA contract for a high risk insured to whom it’s assigned by BAAR an RCA insurer, must have:

  • a validity period for 12 months
  • the payment the full premium insurance value
  • the territorial coverage limits mentioned in art. 2 point 18 of Law no. 132/2017
  • does not include Direct settlement Clause or any other additional clauses over the standard covering risks and liability limits regulated by Law no. 132/2017.

Limits of compensation and additional information about the RCA contract:

The compensation limits are set by the Supervisory Authority Financial. Thus, starting with 2017, the compensation limits granted in the case of an accident in Romania are:

  • for DAMAGE materials: 1.220.000,00 EUR
  • for BODILY INJURIES and deaths: 6.070.000,00 EUR

For car accidents happened outside Romania, it must be applied the law valid in the state has occurred according to the legislation and within the compensation limits in that state.

Links legislation: Law 132/2017 / ASF rule 20/2017 / Law no. 237/ 2015 regarding authorization and SUPERVISION insurance activity and reinsurance

MTPL Damages

RCA insurance policy (also called Green card insurance policy ) covers bodily injuries and property damages to third parties as a result of a car accident made by one of the involved driver.

Measures that must be taken in the event of an insured event:

  • you must notify the insurer in writing when becoming aware of circumstances that could trigger the liability to a third party.
  • you must notify the insurer in writing when you became aware of the claims filed against you and provide the insurer with exhaustive and accurate information regarding: the claimant, the circumstances, which serve as the basis for the claim of compensation and the amount of compensation requested as well as all documents relevant to the written case at your disposal. If the claim is filed through a judicial procedure, you must notify the insurer within the same period of time of the case number, the date of the hearing and the court before which the claim was filed, or provide a copy of the claim statement, together with its accompanying documents.
  • you must take all necessary measures to reduce and/or limit the damage and you must immediately notify the competent authorities and services
  • you must notify the insurer in when becoming aware of the insured event that has occurred, filling out a notification according to the insurer's model and providing information about the nature of the event and the reasons for its occurrence, the type and approximate value of the damage caused, the number of people hurt
  • you should allow access to perform a technical inspection
  • you must provide the documents requested by the Insurer, directly related to the establishment of the event and the amount of the damage
  • you must NOT take any action that may change the facts or increase the amount of damages. You must keep materials and documents directly related to or evidence of the events giving rise to liability covered by the terms and conditions of the insurance contract intact.

In order to notify us and / or open a claim file for a car accident produced on the territory of Romania, it is necessary to call the phone number 0219705. The working hours are from Monday to Friday between 09:00 - 18:00, with the exception of national holidays when there is no working program.

In case there are bodily injuries / deaths as a result of the car accident, it is necessary to send us the documents / request to the email address:

In order to notify us and / or open a claim file for a car accident produced outside Romania, it is necessary to send the documents/request to the email address: